Regran started the journey towards sustainability with RSM Italy.
The activity will be coordinated by partners Calogero Montante, Raffaele Mazzeo, Director Calogero Picone and Senior Manager Marco Buttitta.

954 Happy Customers

Regran operates in the field of renewable energy

Parchi fotovoltaici sviluppati​
0 MW
Turnkey installations realised
0 MW
Years of experience in the industry
0 +

Regran, a company founded in 2007, is today one of Italy's leading companies operating in the field of renewable energy, also on an international level. 

The company is now active in the field of energy saving and all renewables.

We celebrate together the goal achieved: 1,500,000€ in funding.

In just over a month since the launch of the equity crowdfunding campaign on Finnexta - with the support of Futurea - we have reached our maximum target. The funds raised during the campaign will go towards the realisation of the newly created #GreenTech business line: EcoFund.

In particular, the funds will be used to set up a new company division that will invest, develop and operate photovoltaic plants with the involvement of all stakeholders in the chain.
Many thanks to all the investors who believed in the project and made it possible to achieve this great result. Our success is Yours!

954 Happy Customers

Regran operates in the field of renewable energy

Regran, a company founded in 2007, is today one of Italy's leading companies operating in the field of renewable energy, also on an international level. 

The company is now active in the field of energy saving and all renewables.

Developed and/or designed installations
0 MW
Turnkey installations realised
0 MW
Years of experience in the industry
0 +



Residential Installations

Corporate installations







New incentives for renewable energy

The Renewables Decree is in force: feed in tariff for self-consumption increase.

The RES1 decree provides for subsidies for the construction of photovoltaic systems to replace asbestos or eternit roofs, up to a €12/MWh premium on all energy produced.

Power plants of up to 100 kW installed on buildings will also benefit from an additional bonus of 10 €/MWh on the share of net production consumed on site: the purpose of the legislation, in parallel with the replacement of asbestos roofs that are harmful to health, is in fact to incentivise the self-consumption of energy, in addition to that produced and fed into the grid.



You produce and consume electricity, from renewable sources, in your home or business.


Your energy bill will never be the same again, with renewable energy you will make significant cost savings.


Replacement of roofs and roofing with complete removal of asbestos, which is harmful to your health.


Among many benefits, your property will have an increase in its value and energy class.

For any needs or information, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team will be at your complete disposal.


The sectors in which we operate

Corporate/Residential Photovoltaics

We realise business and residential photovoltaic systems that will enable you to achieve energy independence, using the energy produced daily by the sun.

Solar thermal

We realise solar thermal systems that will enable you to produce hot water for sanitary services, room heating and much more, using the thermal energy produced daily by the sun.

Other sources

In addition to photovoltaic and solar thermal systems, through various collaborations we also use energy production from other alternative sources such as wind power and more.

Our Values

Beyond renewable energy

At Regran we focus on the sustainable development of the future.

We constantly strive to meet your every need and achieve our daily goals, for the present and the future.

Professionalism, reliability, well-being and innovation are the main values that point us in the direction, day after day.


We have many years of experience in the installation and maintenance of photovoltaic systems and collaborate with some of the leading manufacturers in the industry. We work to protect the environment and produce financial returns for investors.


We operate throughout Italy, in Malta and in Brazil, where we have a factory producing photovoltaic modules. The future is increasingly green, everything will be powered by electricity from renewable sources.

Esco certification

Regran, as an E.S.Co., Energy Service Company, is certified according to ISO 50001, has already carried out several E.S.Co. interventions and employs three Energy Management Experts.

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Request a free consultation

At Regran we focus on the sustainable development of the future. 

Request a free consultation and take advantage of current incentives.

Request a free consultation

Fill in the form below and in about 24 hours you will be contacted by one of our technicians who will support you and assess your needs.

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1. Titolare del trattamento

Titolare del trattamento è la Regran Srl con sede legale in Contrada Quaglio, 26 Comiso (RG), mail, P.I. 01359480884

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6. Diritti dell’interessato


Tra i diritti riconosciuti agli interessati dal Regolamento UE n. 679/2016 rientrano quelli di:
- chiedere l’accesso ai dati personali raccolti ed alle informazioni ad essi relative;
- chiedere la rettifica dei dati inesatti o l’integrazione di quelli incompleti;
- chiedere la cancellazione dei propri dati personali nelle ipotesi previste dall’art. 17, paragrafo 1 del Regolamento UE n. 679/2016;
- chiedere la limitazione del trattamento dei dati dell’utente nelle ipotesi previste all’art. 18, paragrafo 1 del Regolamento UE n. 679/2016;
- chiedere ed ottenere che i dati personali dell’utente trattati in modo automatizzato e acquisiti con il consenso dell'interessato o sulla base di un contratto stipulato con l'interessato siano forniti a quest’ultimo in un formato strutturato e leggibile da dispositivo automatico, anche al fine di comunicare tali dati ad un altro titolare del trattamento (diritto alla portabilità dei dati);
- opporsi in qualsiasi momento al trattamento dei propri dati personali nelle ipotesi previste dall’art. art. 21 del Regolamento UE n. 679/2016.
- revocare in qualsiasi momento il consenso, ma solo nell’ipotesi i cui il trattamento sia basato sul consenso per una o più finalità e riguardi dati personali comuni (come data e luogo di nascita o luogo di residenza) ovvero categorie particolari di dati (come origine razziale, opinioni politiche, convinzioni religiose, stato di salute o vita sessuale);
- proporre reclamo a un’autorità di controllo e per l’Italia all’Autorità Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (

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8. Conseguenze della mancata comunicazione dei dati personali

Il mancato conferimento dei dati richiesti all'interno del modulo contatti comporta l'impossibilità di inoltrare la richiesta di contatto e quindi di riceverne la risposta.